Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Web of thoughts

Aargh! Yes, that's meant to sound somewhat like a pirate. This  whole web thing is driving me bonkers. html, < > or whatever language this thing speaks. This is strictly a rant blog, which I try not to do too often. I want so badly to be able to create websites, but I am definitely not a natural. This is only 3 days in, so hopefully it will get easier. After making very clear that web was a weakness for me as a designer, my teacher immediately rebuked my comment with "you just started." Here's for my teacher, I will try.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Counseled Out

"Those who understand the least make the most noise."
Jeffrey Zeldman (http:

Upon attending the wrong Portfolio class last night I was very concerned with some words from the professor:
"We as Photographers should learn how to create websites, business cards, and learn how to do the Graphic Design thing."
"Wait just a second there, buddy. " I did not say this aloud, but was definitely thinking it. I'm a little disturbed that our instructors, the very ones qualified to train art students, ones whom students see everyday are encouraging one department to do another department's job. Why is this such a crime?
 Well, let me put this into perspective. If I, as a Graphic Designer, declared myself to be a Photographer as well, then I would have some pretty big shoes to fill. Not to mention, I would be a package deal. However, I'd be a lie. I may have learned some Photography, but did not delve to deeply into the subject. That is not why I enrolled in school. I am here to be a graphic designer. So, yes I wish to acquire all the skills necessary to create my own designs and advertisements without depending on another party. 
Of course it is important to be versatile as an artist. My issue is in the fact that while instructors are advising students to become distinguished and submerged in their field, behind the very same walls advising them not to become dependent on another colleagues learned skills.  In summary, cancellation. Now I'm quite biased.
As Graphic Design majors we do explore basics of Photography, but only Fine Arts by election. I find it unfair, contradictory, complex and many other adjectives. In lamer terms, he basically said "Oh, you don't need those Graphic Designers. You could do their job." That's how it felt to be the only Graphic Design major in the room, like a slap in the face. I was discouraged.
I want to teach my readers a lesson.
I understand that it is necessary to explore other facets in your field, but you should never try to excommunicate the ones who know those other areas best. We need each other and should support one another. No one artist is better than another, nor is one art form better than another. No idea is yours alone.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Back to school, back to school...

It is official. My final semester before graduating with my associates degree in Graphic Design. It will more than likely be the longest semester ever. I have very mixed feelings. I'm not sure whether to be excited or scared or which one I even am at this point. It's the home stretch. My main goal is to not screw up my GPA in the final semester. I have managed to stay on the Dean's List for the past two years and plan to keep it that way. Unfortunately, I still have no idea what I'm getting myself into this semester.
The most important thing is to stay focused, remain calm, and have confidence. When people complimented me I used to say things like "this is nothing compared to what the other students can do." What I have learned just within the past couple of months is that, we are still learning, and I too have something that they don't.
Here's to taking it one stride at a time...
Back to school, back to school.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Brain's Roladex

This was me two days ago. My friend and I were having a conversation, when suddenly... a long pause. I hate when that happens! You know that moment when it's on the tip of your tongue, but just can't spit it out? Yeah.
So a friend explained to me that when you know something, but just can not think of it, your brain does not give up the search. She explained it as "the sensors in your brain are thumbing through it's roladex/index." So, this was my illustration to match the explanation.
Why You Should Turn Down Some of Your Freelance Design Projects
This should answer some questions for freelancers.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lucky Year

Here's to another year. This is the year in which the seeds I have planted as a student shall blossom into a field of possibilities as a Graphic Designer. Those who know me have heard me call 2011 my "lucky year." By now, those same people are probably wondering, "well, what makes it so lucky?" Here's the thing. Aside from graduating, I don't need anything  to make my year lucky. My optimism is what will determine the outcome. My mother always reminded me that we, as the controls of our own roller coasters we have the ability to steer our lives in the direction we so choose. However her words were a little more simple "you can wish things into existence." So I say let regrets be bygones and let bad experiences be the tools with which we learn and progress. Let's make a wish:
This year will be my year. In fact, it will be my lucky year, because I have so declared it.