Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy 1 Year!

A year ago the stress of life, school and work began to weigh heavily on my mind and well-being. It was at that time that I realized I had to release these emotions. Knowing that my sister Melody had been blogging for some time, I began reflecting on the idea of writing. I was familiar with diaries and journals, and had done it all before. It just seemed to be such a task, almost like work.
The difference is this time the writing would not only help me, but others in my situation. Thus, Katographx was born. The idea of this online journal of my quest for a degree in Graphic Design, emotional stability and stress management was to expose myself to the world in a way I had never before. Katographx has had some positive feedback within the first year. It has been greatly appreciated. Here's to the first and another year of Katographx. Thank you all who have read, supported, and even responded. It is my promise to make sure you have more reading to do in the coming year.
Happy 1 year, Katographx!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the blog feels like a chore -- but I do it anyway because I always feel good after I've posted something.
