Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I needa...

This past year has brought a lot to my attention as a designer. I have no style, no distinct look, no niche in design. I had been lacking motivation to free design, because school had taken so much out of me. I was physically and mentally exhausted. However, now I am on my holiday break and have been applying for jobs, internships, reading blogs, visiting sites. I am doing the "designer thing." I am beginning to feel a bit of camaraderie  with those in my field. 
I have realized that opportunities are not going to fall into my lap and I have to work for them by testing the waters. I do what I know and play it safe when it comes to design, but I need to step outside the box. Maybe part of it is my lack of resources, but to acquire them, I have to be determined. I want to design with confidence.
I want to design and have no regrets. I need a niche.

1 comment:

  1. You have to move past your fear of failure or else you'll never be willing to take risks. It's a risk to put your work and yourself out there because there is always the possibility of rejection. Rejection never feels good but it can help you to grow as a person. Failure is a part of life - for everyone - and is nothing to be afraid of. To me it is better to say, "At least I tried" than to regret never taking the chance. You are a worthy, deserving individual no matter the outcome of your efforts. So take the chance. The people who love you are here for you, no matter what happens.
