Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Wait or keep going?
I have been on a mission to finish my Associates Degree in Graphic Design, but now I am torn. I am faced with this very life altering decision. I guess I am hoping that an answer will just fall from the sky into my lap so I won't actually have to search for it myself. So Mom calls me the other day and informs me that I might actually have the opportunity to go to a four year university. Not only that, but an art university-Virginia Commonwealth University.

Someone might ask, "so what's the dilemma here? That's great!" Well, yes. However, I am not fresh out of high school, nor am I very young, and I do not particularly like Richmond. No offense to the capitol. I have no desire to live in an inland city. I love living close to the coast.

No. That is not my only argument. I have continually debated the fact that I could just "suck it up." Unfortunately, I have not had very pleasant experiences there and would have never considered moving there. VCU is a wonderful school. My sister even an alumni. It is even considered one of the top art schools in the country. I am just not sure it is the school for me.

Furthermore, it has always been my dream to go to SCAD- Savannah School of Art and Design, in Georgia. SCAD is located right on the coast, which is just my style. There is just something about Georgia. So, why not go? MONEY! It's out of state.

Finally, I am extremely terrified. I lack confidence, skills, money, security, friends, etc. What is a little country girl like me, who has always "just made it," going to do alone in that big scary city?

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