Sunday, February 21, 2010


Bouncing ideas, brainstorming, conspiring, it's all Collaboration! Call it what you want. It is essential in design, or any line of work. Creative people need creative people just as intellectual people need intellectual people, and so on. People need people. It's a network.

I was discussing this with a close artist friend recently. She made references to her college experience and how it was so inspirational to be around other artists. This is true. We need to talk about our ideas and get feed back, or criticism as I am reluctant to say. My Art History professor also made a statement that I think indirectly associates with collaborating. He says, "How can you call yourself original when you define yourself by the material things you consume?" What I took from this is, you can not possibly create without first admiring or studying other creations. I am not going to create something that has not already been attempted or thought of, at the least. It just is not possible when you are in a world where styles are recycled and work is recreated. What I can do is take from it what I wish, but without using the same idea. I have to make it my own.

In summary, I must collaborate and network. I also have to utilize my surroundings and surround myself with inspiration and inspirational people.

We create ideas from other creations.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how well I know that. By myself I rarely generate any exciting ideas. Other people inspire me though!
